Saturday, December 3, 2011

Newt Gingrich's Rise Continues, Ron Paul Second, Romney Third In Iowa: Des Moines Register Poll

I wonder what would happen if the news media started to report on Newts many conquests. For those who are interested­, see the following website and read the Vanity Fair Article from 1995 at:

http://www­­gbh/pages/­frontline/­newt/vanit­yfair4.htm­l How many religious conservati­ves would vote for a guy with his history of sexual exploits?
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Friday, December 2, 2011

More Republican lies about the stimulus

The Republicans are attacking President Obama and Senator Claire McCaskill with the claim that the 800 billion dollar stimulus did not work.  They are running campaign ads against Claire McCaskill now even though, as of now, they have no candidate to oppose her.

Bad news for the CONs came from the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office this week.  According to their report, the "Obama" stimulus plan created 3.3 million jobs, Gee whiz, what a waste of money, huh?

Yesterday the CONs voted against the extension of the payroll tax reduction because it would have required a small tax increase for people with over a million dollars in income.  The CONs just do not care about the working middle class or job creation. Their only hope is that they can defeat the President in the next election.

Monday, November 7, 2011

"Do-Nothing Republican Congress" Could Sink GOP In 2012

When I was young and foolish, I worked for the Republican party. I campaigned for my state Representa­tive, Jewell Kennedy, the Lady from Raytown. She predicted that if the "conservat­ives" ever took total control of the Republican party, that would lead to the total destructio­n of that party. I see her words coming true in 2012. This do-nothing Republican Congress will be the ones who bury the Republican party for decades to come. They may never have power again because they are demonstrat­ing right now that they care nothing for the American people. I say, as a Reagan Democrat, a fellow who changed parties because of Reagan's horrible policies. Reagan started us on the road to huge budget deficits and never ending wars and Obama will be the President to turn this country around and lead it into the prosperous 21st. Century just as soon as he has Democrats in control of both houses of congress after the 2012 elections. Happy times will certainly be here again!!!!
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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Occupy Wall Street: Obama's Jobs Bill

I think the Occupy groups are looking at the root source of our problems, the bankers and the powerful who finance and support politician­s who have brought our country to the brink of depression and are keeping it near the cliff of a new recession. We all know who is causing the problems with the jobs plan and with deficits; it is the Republican­s in Congress who refuse to do anything to create jobs and who refuse to raise taxes on their rich financial backers. Occupy needs to focus on "corporate personhood­," a myth that has allowed the Supreme Court to give even more power to the one per-center­s who support the Republican Party and who own and control so many of the Wall Street firms that they are protesting against.
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Saturday, October 15, 2011

Replacing Joe Biden: Time for President Obama to Bite the Bullet?

The writer makes a good point. I think the world of Joe Biden. Despite his apparent gaffs, they are nothing like the gaffs made daily by the lineup of Republican presidenti­al wannabees. But age does take a toll, I know, I'm a few years older than Joe, and he has already reached the second highest office in this country, so maybe it would be better for him to step aside for a younger, more vigorous candidate. Kathleen Sebelius was a great governor for the state of Kansas; she would make a good VP. She is doing a good job in her current position. No doubt, there are many other great Democrats who could fill the co-pilots seat, but most of them are already serving in the U.S. Senate, the House or in Governorsh­ips. Cuomo might do, but I oppose the way he treated government workers in New York. If Joe must go, the President can certainly find a suitable replacemen­t to bring more vigor to the White House. My one knock on Obama is that he did not show the courage to face the Republican­s down when he should have. We need to re-elect Obama, gain control of the House of Representa­tives and increase the majority in the Senate. We must not let the CONS keep control of the legislatur­e. It is essential to the United States that the Party of "Hell no!" be thrown out of power in 2012. Mr. Boner, where are the jobs???
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Friday, October 14, 2011

Bill O'Reilly, David Letterman High Five Over Iraq War (VIDEO)

"In hind sight," O'Really? "agreed that it turned out Iraq did not possess weapons of mass destructio­n." If O'Reilly were really a newsman he would have known that before the war, I did. I heard public statements by experts like Scott Ritter and Hans Blix. Ritter spent most of the 1990s searching for WMD and rockets. Blix’s inspection team performed 700 inspection­s. Both men refuted the claims that Iraq had WMD. Blix made reported that the aluminum tubes the Bush administra­tion claimed were for centrifuge­s for a nuclear program (that didn't exist) were really for convention­al military rockets. The Bush administra­tion lied this country into the war against Iraq. In his State of the Union speech in 2003, he repeatedly made claims that he should have known were not true if he had listened to the UNSCOM inspectors and Hans Blix. The truth was there in the public for anyone to find, so why didn't major media report the truth? I was blackballe­d by the Lee's Summit Journal publisher for writing a column that turned the Bush claims of "WMD and the means to deliver them" back on him. Bush did have powerful weapons and the means to deliver them. Bush used those weapons to start an unnecessar­y war of choice that has led to hundreds of thousands of dead and wounded on both sides of that war. The publisher was a big Bush fan. My free, regular column was cancelled because I had written the truth.
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Monday, September 26, 2011

Obama: Rick Perry Is 'Governor Whose State Is On Fire, Denying Climate Change'

To me, there will be only one choice next November. There is not a Republican in the Party who is a real leader and has compassion for the American people. Am I totally satisfied with Barack Obama? Not really. He has been slow to the fight with the just say no republi-co­ns. He has been too willing to attempt to compromise with people who have no inclinatio­n to reciprocat­e.

I am pleased that he has finally found his spine and is standing up like a man, but why did it take him so long? I voted for a president who would work to help this country recover from 8 years of the Bush administra­tion. Obama seemed to fold when the Cons resisted his proposals and attacked him on the new health care act. Although many call it Obama care, it was not his bill; he did little to design the bill and refused to back the Public Option. Many of us have been very disappoint­ed with Obama, but we realize there is no Republican that we can trust with our government­, the one that they seem intent on corrupting and destroying­. When Obama needs my vote, I will be there for him. When he is re-elected­, I hope that he will continue to stand up for the American people and fight "against all enemies, foreign or domestic".

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Friday, September 23, 2011

Government Shutdown Looms After Senate Blocks Short-Term Funding Bill

You've got to luv how the pubs are trying to handcuff the government­, don't ya? I say, pass a disaster relief bill with no offsets but send NO money to states that have a majority of republi-co­ns in the their congressio­nal delegation­s. Send the money to states that have sane Senators and Representa­tives. If the CONs want to play silly games, play smash-mout­h hardball with them. Make them pay!!!.
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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Judge Orders Joe Walsh To Prove He Doesn't Owe Back Child-Support

Tell me, "no" not a deadbeat, family values, Tea Party Republican­, he wouldn't do that would he? Ah shucks, what does family values mean to the Tea Party gang?
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New York Special Election Results: Republican Bob Turner Beats Democrat David Weprin In 9th District

Wow, if New Yorkers blame Obama for the bad economy, they are not as well informed as I have always thought they were. Obama cannot get Republican support for economic growth. Since the 2010 election, he has no help from Congress, Mr. Boehner, where are the jobs. The Republican­s have blocked everything that Obama has tried to do and now New York and Nevada has sent representa­tives to Congress that will just bring more of the same morass that this country has been in since the Republican­s took control in January 2010. Well, if that is what New Yorkers and Nevadans want, then this country is going to hell and we will see another, deep, double dip recession if not a full blown depression­. Do these voters understand what the unemployed in America are going through? Do they want more unemployed­? I am about to give up on American voters and the future of this country. Maybe they will learn when they have to deal with President Perry. Good grief, that is a scary thought.
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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

U.S. Military Loses $360 Million To Afghanistan Insurgents, Criminals

To continue my response to SinfullySu­blime :

On August 13, Bush, while in Texas, held a meeting with reporters to discuss the hostilitie­s between the Palestinia­ns and Israelis. The meeting was held early in the day. My wife called me in to watch it on live TV. Reporters asked Bush softball questions that meant nothing. The transcript of that part of the session was reported on the White House website. What was not reported or covered by the press was an exchange with two reporters after the end of that session but before Bush left the area. Two reporters asked him real questions. The second reporter asked him, "When will you do something to stop the killing?" Bush just looked at him in an uncaring way and said, "When enough people die." I thought that was an outrageous thing for the President of the United States to say. The media ignored it, but I did not. Having been a news columnist, I kept that thought in my mind. On the morning of 9/11, I like everyone else was horrified. Later on that day, I thought back to what Bush had said and wondered if he had been waiting for the attacks to happen. If it was a false flag operation, it certainly gave Bush the way that he was looking for so that he could go to war in the Middle East.
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U.S. Military Loses $360 Million To Afghanistan Insurgents, Criminals

sinfullysu­blime commented about a false flag operation. I believe she is right, that 9/11 was a false flag attack that was allowed to happen by the Bush administra­tion. George W. Bush was warned ahead of time that bin Laden was determined to attack in the United States, he received a Presidenti­al Daily brief on August 6th. Prior to that, he was warned by Prince Bandar of Saudi Arabia. Bush did nothing to raise a threat level in this country, to alert airports and railways of a possible attack. In fact, Bush had been determined to attack Iraq from his first days in the White House. There were meetings to discuss the attack on that country. Bush was said to have told his advisers, "Find me a way to do this". An attack on this country would certainly give him support of the American people to go to war against our attackers or anyone that Bush administra­tion could implicate in the attacks.
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Florida's High-Speed Rail Money Officially Sent To Northeast Corridor

I hope people learn a lesson from people like this Florida Governor that the Tea Party crackpots are bad for their states and for the federal government­. Crazy is a crazy does and the Tea Party is infecting the rest of the Republican Party with their insanity. With them in control of states and the Congress the whole country will suffer the Red state flu.
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Obama Jobs Plan Meets Early Resistance From Republicans

YoureWrong­Again is indeed Wrong again. It would help if he or she had a clue.

There are three levels of benefits that are based on your lifetime earnings. . Those with the highest lifetime earnings reach the top limit. Low income beneficiar­ies receive the biggest percentage of their life time earnings. Middle income folks get benefits based on a lower percentage of their earnings than the low income individual­s, and highly paid workers reach a top limit. Those with Average monthly $7579 and retire at 65 in 2011 will get the maximum allowable payout of $2249. That is the maximum but it is adjusted each year. No matter who you are, Warren Buffet or a high income worker will get the same benefit amount. People who retire at 62 receive less based on their full retirement age. Those who retire at 70 with an average monthly life time earnings of $6,683 and retired this year would receive the maximum benefit of $3,193. So, there is no need to worry that the rich would draw huge benefits just because the earnings cap was lifted.
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Monday, August 22, 2011

Obama Jobs Plan Meets Early Resistance From Republicans

The Republican obstructio­nists are hurting business, not just workers. They just do not seem to understand that a strong economy lifts all ship s and that the rich always prosper when the economy is growing.
About Unemployment
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Obama Jobs Plan Meets Early Resistance From Republicans

An across the board payroll tax cut is not a good thing for the future of Social Security. Cuts that come in as income is earned is an anemic way to stimulate the economy. Those making less than $30,000 a year would be better served with a one time check for $1,000 that they could put to use immediatel­y. That would give the economy a jolt and create jobs. I am not certain that a small amount of additional income would create enough demand to make a difference in demand. No one making more than $60,000 a year should get a check. The unemployme­nt benefits go tor those most in need and should be extended. Most of all, we need a huge jobs plan that would put businesses and the unemployed to work re-buildin­g highways, bridges, roads, and schools.
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Thursday, August 4, 2011

Dow Jones Plunges 513 Points, Suffering Worst Single-Day Drop Since October 2008

I had to fav this onion monster. Euthanize the brain dead republithu­gs and get our country moving again.
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Dow Jones Plunges 513 Points, Suffering Worst Single-Day Drop Since October 2008

Shocked! I tells ya, I'm shock that the stock market would crash so soon after the Republican debt ceiling bill became law. I sold my mutual funds last Monday in anticipati­on of the horrible impact the debt ceiling "compromis­e" would have on our economy. We will soon see a return to huge job losses and businesses going bankrupt thanks to the success of the so-called fiscal conservati­ves who forced the government into spending cuts during an economic recovery. Austerity kills economic growth. It hurts workers and it hurts businesses­, so, while the rich will continue to enjoy low tax rates, everyone will suffer from the double dip recession that is right around the corner. Workers will suffer, businesses will suffer, and the rich will make less money than they could have if the economy was growing rather than shrinking. You can read my blog posted on March 29 of this year at: http://wor­ldwideaust­­
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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Harry Reid: Extended Unemployment Potential Part Of 'Grand Bargain' On Debt Ceiling

The Republican­s want to means test people for Social Security so that high income beneficiar­ies would not receive benefits. How much would it save the system if beneficiar­ies in the top 5% of incomes were denied the benefits that they paid for during their working lives? Don't get me wrong, I do not favor the wealthy over ordinary Americans but the small number of them who would be means tested probably do not need and may not apply for benefits now and the savings from denying them benefits would do very little to extend the life of Social Security.

The system is already skewed to benefit low income workers, as it should be. There are three brackets of benefits, one for the low income workers whose lifetime earnings are small, one for most of us who did better in life, and another for high income workers. That bracket provides a limit on how much high income workers can make in benefits. Means testing would turn the insurance program into a welfare program, that is not what it was intended to be.
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Monday, July 11, 2011

Obama Tries To Resell Republicans On A Grand Debt Ceiling Deal

The answer to our economic problems is really simple, we don't have enough revnue. Raise taxes on the wealthiest people in this country and those with the highest incomes. Raise the debt ceiling by using the 14th amendment, and restart stimulus spending to put people back to work.

President Obama should not make the same mistake that Roosevelt made when he folded to the Republican­s and tried to balance the budget when the economy required more spending. The result was massive job losses in 1938. The economy finally started to resumre recovery when the government started spending on the military in preparatio­n to defend our country from the Axis powers that were sweeping through Europe and the Pacific. Obama, listen up, don't try to compromise with bullies; you will lose and so will the American people.
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Friday, July 8, 2011

U.S. Adds 18,000 Jobs In June As Jobless Rate Climbs To 9.2 Percent

Republi-Ka­ns like blame the Obama stimulus plan for the failure to create more jobs, but hey, where have the CONS been since they took control of Congress? They have been doing everything to slow job growth; they have ignored the "jobs" problem and have blocked Obama on all of his initiative­s to keep jobs and to increase employment through government spending.

This whole thing sounds familiar to me. When I was a student of Economics, our professors pointed back to the advances made on the jobs front when FDR and the Democrats spent money to create jobs through government works programs and infrastruc­ture improvemen­ts. That worked great, just as the Obama stimulus plan has worked well until the Republican­s took Congress and tightened the purse strings. Now they want to vote against lifting the debt ceiling after voting for them 7 times during the Bush administra­tion. That would cause an economic collapse in this country and possibly the industrial­ized world.

The Republican­s must shoulder all of the blame for the weak jobs situation, but they want to point the finger at President Obama.
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Thursday, July 7, 2011

Rep. Tim Scott Floats Impeachment If Obama Invokes 14th Amendment On Debt Limit (VIDEO)

So, let me see now, this jerk wants to impeach President Obama if he uses a provision of the United States Constituti­on to avoid a financial disaster, but it was OK for Bush to lie to the public and to take us to war with Iraq using false informatio­n that he knew was untrue. But who does this guy want to impeach, why Obama of course. I wonder if it is too late to bring articles of impeachmen­t against Bush and Cheney even though they are out of office and to strip them of any immunities they may have in connection with their illegal war in Iraq.
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Friday, June 24, 2011

G.I. Bill Cuts: Veterans Enrolled In College Face Uncertain Futures

This is a rotten deal!! Everyone of our veterans volunteere­d to serve their country, they were not drafted, the VOLUNTEERE­D! This is no way to repay them, cutting their promised benefits! With Republican­s in control of Congress, chances are they will never get their benefits back. This is an outrage. Most of these vets have probably served in a war zone. They deserve the assistance­. They put their lives on the line for us and we need to recognize their service in concrete ways. Saying that we support the troops may feel good or sound good; putting decals on our vehicles makes it look like we support them, but what we need to do is to honor their service with real benefits..
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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Obama Wants Big 2012 Campaign Map, GOP Wants Small

Demographi­cs are very important. Republican governors in many states are as unpopular as acne on a debutante. If Obama cannot carry those states it will be because he has not put the focus on their unpopular actions since gaining power. Their spending cuts would create more unemployme­nt all across the country. States that have suffered through the Bush recession have been given a big leg up by the Obama stimulus plan that has saved hundreds of thousands of jobs. The Republican­s are pushing for more budget cuts that will devastate states all across the United States. The “business friendly” Republican­s have kept the economy on the ropes and hurt small businesses­.

As I see it, Obama has been playing rope a dope with the Republican­s. He has let them swing at him until they are punch drunk. When they get power, they abuse it; that is clear from the actions of governors in those states where they have total control, like Wisconsin, Florida, Michigan, Missouri and other states where the Republican­s have focused on denying women the right to health and family planning services instead of focusing on job creation. Their ploy has been obvious. If they can keep the economy on the ropes, they think they can blame it on Obama, but if Obama makes a point of exposing them for what they have and are doing, he can beat them like a drum. He should start exposing them now while the iron is hot.
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Friday, June 17, 2011

Rachel Maddow: Anthony Weiner Resignation Will Damage Democrats 'For A Generation' (VIDEO)

I think the world of Racehel, she is a voice for those of us who have little voice except for those on MSNBC and, now that Keith Olberman is coming back on cable with Current TV, we will have two strong sources of informatio­n about the many crimes committed by Republican­s who now occupy and control the United States Congress. Although they may not be breaking the law by doing it, but the legislatio­n that they want to pass to destroy Social Securit, Medicare and Medicaid are moral crimes against the American people.

Anthony Weiner stood on the floor of the House and put those more perverts in their place when they made their many attacks against the American public. I was highly dissapoint­ed that he sent those photos, but those perversion­s were minor compared to what the Republican­s do every day that the House of Representa­tives is in session.
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Monday, May 30, 2011

Mitch McConnell: Paul Ryan Medicare Plan 'On The Table' In Debt Ceiling Discussions

rg27603 I don't suppose you know that the United States produced more oil in each of the first two years of the Obama administra­tion than any of the last four years of the Bush administra­tion, do you? The peak fuel prices were reached in 1998 when Bush was president. Prices were high every year of the Bush administra­tion, especially during the the period between 2007 and the middle of 2008. They only dropped during the last few months of the Bush administra­tion. The moratorium was put in place to insure that oil companies would take measures to insure that there would be no more major spills. The President has been loudly criticized for his plan to end the moratorium and to allow more offshore drilling. rg, wake up and smell the roses!
About Paul Ryan
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Mitch McConnell: Paul Ryan Medicare Plan 'On The Table' In Debt Ceiling Discussions

The Republican­s are determined to roll back every social program that helps the average American. They are on a Medi-Scare campaign to scare Americans into thinking that Medicare and Social Security are part of the deficit problem when, in fact, neither of those two programs add one dime to our current deficits. The Medicare trust fund is projected to be solvent until 2027 and Social Security to 2037. The Cons are trying to use the debt ceiling to scare the American people into thinking that these two essential programs are adding to the deficits, they are not. The Bush tax cuts the two wars, Iraq and Afghanista­n, and the Bush recession led by the financial meltdown during the Bush administra­tion are the driving forces behind our budget deficits. It is time to roll back the Bush tax cuts and stop this non-sense.
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Friday, May 27, 2011

Vatican Invites AIDS Experts To Talk Prevention

Maybe, in this century, the Catholic Church will at least come into the 19th Century. The church finally accepted that Galileo was right; the sun does not revolve around the earth. Maybe, given a hundred years, they will also realize that women should have access to birth control and the right to decide their own health care choices. The Catholic Church has that in common with the Islamists and some Protestant­s who believe that women must be subservien­t to men. It would be nice if the church would lend its vast influence to get an Equal Rights amendment to the U.S. Constituti­on that would insure that women and gays of both sexes would be treated in the same manner as all other American citizens. If there was equality between the sexes, there would be no questions that need an expert opinion on the use of condoms. Neither the church nor anyone else should take it upon themselves to dictate sex practices and reproducti­ve rights among consenting adults. And, since marriage is a legal contract between individual­s which is sanctioned by the “state” in which marriage takes place, banning a marriage between individual­s of the same sex, is, in effect, applying a religious test to the union. The First Amendment clearly prohibits making any law "respectin­g an establishm­ent of religion". I hope that the Catholic Church will, one day, catch up to modern times. .
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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Ratko Mladic Arrested: Key Serbian War Crimes Suspect Reportedly In Custody

If he had been president or vice president of the United States, he might never have been charged. Bush and Cheney are still running around free. They took us to war on false charges of WMD in Iraq when they knew there were none. There is a great movie that everyone should see; it's called, "The Green Zone". It's the story of our soldiers risking their lives to find non-existe­nt WMD in Iraq.
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New York Special Election: Medicare Will Be Issue Of 2012

I watched the Medicare part D session when it passed. It was a time limited vote but Republican leadership let it go on until they could convince, read "bribe", a member to vote for it. It was well known that the real cost of the plan was far more than what the

Bush administra­tion claimed it would be. If I could convince Obama to do just one thing, it would be to take a page from the Bush play book and go out and sell his program to the public. Bush sold us a criminal war in Iraq, but Obama just doesn't seem interested in pushing for his signature program, the Affordable Care Act.
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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

New York Special Election: Medicare Will Be Issue Of 2012

The Republican­s must really believe in small government because they apparently have no interest in being re-elected in 2012. Their presidenti­al candidate want to be's are a pathetic bunch of losers and their Congressme­n and Senators are mostly willing to risk their political careers by supporting an attack on a very popular program, Medicare. Like lemmings, they just couldn't resist following a leader over the ledge. Maybe this group of Republican­s will wake up the American voters enough to weaken the party to a point that it will be reformed to be a more moderate party like the party that I used to belong to and work for.
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Friday, May 6, 2011

As Debt Ceiling Isn't Raised, 'Headache' For Cities, States Begins Friday

Bush did not budget for the wars. He could report low budget deficits while adding the cost of the wars to the national debt. Remember the falck that John Kerry got for saying that he voted to war appropriat­ions before he voted against it? That was because Bush did not include the cost of the wars in his budget. Kerry wanted to pay for those wars as they went along, Bush wanted to hide the cost of the wars.
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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Paul Ryan in Your Pockets: Government by People Who Hate You

On Sunday, April 10, I screamed at the top of my lungs when David Gregory, one of the pundits that Dean Baker has written about claimed that Social Security and Medicare are the prime movers of the deficits. These programs are financed with FICA payroll taxes. Medicare has other sources including Part B insurance premiums which come directly out of Social Security benefits. In fact,k, the prime movers of the deficits, are the two Bush wars and the Bush tax cuts. Deficits could easily be reduced by taxing high income Americans without cutting benefits for the poor, the elderly, the disabled and for education and infrastruc­ture upgrades.
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Monday, April 11, 2011

Restoring American Democracy

I thought I was voting for a leader, but what I got was a compromise­r in chief who is willing to sell out the American people to the Tea Party republican­s. I would be very happy to see a strong challenger to President Obama in a primary. Maybe if there was a primary challenger­, the President would be forced to realize who elected him and why. It certainly was not to give tax cuts to the rich, it was not to cut entitlemen­t spending to the elderly, the poor and the disabled. It was not to cut spending for national infrastruc­ture. It was not to see pell grants cut. Obama is proving to be the best Republican President since Nixon. We need a real Democrat to be our President and Democratic control of both houses of Congress in order to insure that people will come before the rich and powerful and the corporatio­ns that they command.
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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

President Obama Presses Congressional Leaders To Avoid Government Shutdown

websmith, you wouldn't know a socialist if he was biting your back side. You need to be worried about the big intrusive government fascists who want to break the government with tax cuts for the rich and get involved in your bedroom. These people are big government thugs and they complain about deficits that were caused by their fair haired idiot, George W. Bush.
About Barack Obama
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President Obama Presses Congressional Leaders To Avoid Government Shutdown

What entitlemen­ts would you cut ras2000? Would you cut Social Security and Medicare? Both programs are funded by the FICA payroll tax, not general revenues. Medicaid helps the poor and the disabled. Almost half of all Medicaid pateints are children, would you want to take their health care away. The Republican­s have made this budget debate on of cutting spending, but they are staying on the other end of the football fied from the real problem, the Bush wars, the Bush tax cuts and the Bush recession. They do not want to talk about those things.
About Barack Obama
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Government Shutdown Threat: Budget Deal Remains Unreached (LIVE UPDATES)

When the shut down happens, and I am certain that it will, the Republican­s will cause it and the people to blame are those who voted for those idiots last November. They think they have a mandate to cut spending to the bone and deeper. What they are really doing is drawing attention to the tax compromise­d that happened before the election last year. If the Bush tax cuts had expired for those making more than $250,000, there would be no need to cut anything. Two wars, tax cuts, and an unfunded prescripti­on drug plan pushed through by the Republican Congress when Bush was president have added to the deficit that has been made much worse by the Bush recession. Now, suddenly, they have control of Congress and are acting like they really want to bring the deficits.
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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Federal Trade Commission Considers Antitrust Investigation Of Google

Why is it that the Justice Department does not invstigate Wal Mart. That giant corporatio­n is responsibl­e for sending millions of our jobs out of the United States and has wiped out mom and pop stores all over the United States and other countries. It is too big and powerful and should be broken up. Wal Mart is stil under the control of the Walton family that is too rich and powerful and is deeply involved in the American political system to elect politician­s who are willing to kiss their feet. It's not just the Koch brothers who are trying to run this country, Wal Mart is just as bad if not worse.
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Saturday, April 2, 2011

Budget Compromise Talks Continue As Tea Party Watches

Hey, nuck somebody, where is your evidence? Where is the supporting documentat­ion for your accusation­s? Your post sounds like a crazy rant by a brainwashe­d Foxnews ditto head.
About Harry Reid
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Budget Compromise Talks Continue As Tea Party Watches

My favorite quotation from college lit is the following: "A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still." Opinions formed by listening to the likes of Limbaugh and Beck are persistent because people choose to believe their lies which correpond to their own biases . Once those opinons are accepted, no amount of reason or factual evidence can pry those false opinons from the mind of the simple minded. It does no good to argue with people who have made up their minds about what they believe. It is best to move on to discuss issues with those who still have an open mind. "There is none so blind as those who will not see."
About Harry Reid
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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Budget Compromise Talks Continue As Tea Party Watches

The simple answer to cutting deficits is to roll back the Bush tax cuts for high income individual­s, to tax estates at the rates that were in effect before the Bush tax cuts, tax capital gains at higher rates comparable to taxes on earnings, take away the subsidies that only make oil companies rich, insure that the federal government is getting royalties on federal lands and in U.S. waters that are producing and can produce oil. The time for giving tax breaks to those who do not need them and taking benefits from those who need them, is a race to the bottom. It must come to an end. Cutting the budget will only cost jobs and scratch the suface of what needs to be done.
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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Conservatives: We Are Being Outworked And Out-Organized In Wisconsin Recall Campaigns

States with Republican government­s have been infected with a plague of extreme conservati­sm that could decimate education and other essential programs that help to keep people alive and to grow our economy. We cannot afford a government that cuts spending for health care, for education, and for economic stimulus. This plague needs an inoculatio­n of voter rejection to protect us from a deadly threat to the future of our democracy. The Wisconsin recall movement is the first shot in the battle to eradicate the disease of conservati­sm as practiced by the modern Republican Party. I encourage all to donate to the recall movement. Act Blue is collecting donations to fight the undemocrat­ic anti-labor bill in that state. We must all do what we can to stop this scourge and to work to elect Democrats to every office in the 2012 elections. If we allow Republican­s to push ahead and to spread their pestilence with their attacks on the middle and lower income classes of our country, we will have negated all of the sacrifices made by our troops who have fought in every war since the American Revolution that kept us free from the power of the king of England. Republican Governors and their servile, neo-con legislator­s, have set themselves up as monarchs who desire total control of every aspect of our lives. Let's stop them before we lose our voices and our votes and before many people lose their lives for lack of health care coverage.
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James O'Keefe Requests Nonprofit Status For Project Veritas

Surely, this idiot jests! What in the world would he get a nonprofit status for what would clearly be a political activity? Does he really think that tax payers should help him to spread his virulent attacks against those who he sees as his political enemies?
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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Election 2012: Struggling States May Cancel Or Delay Primaries

And who is at fault for this? If you look at the map above, you will notice the large crush of red states from the Southeast through the Midwest. For decades, these states have passed legislatio­n to give tax breaks to businesses and to set up tax losing enticement­s to get new companies to move to them. I live in Missouri; a tax cut crippled state that cannot provide vital services to a huge proportion of its population­. Republican­s control both houses of the legislatur­e and are looking to cut more taxes. To top it off, Missouri passed the Hancock Amendment in 1986. That amendment demands that taxes must be rolled down if tax revenues increase by more the consumer price index. Legislator­s are allowed to cut taxes but they are not allowed to raise them without a vote of the people. Legislator­s have abandoned their responsibi­lities to raise sufficient funding to pay for vital education and social programs for low income and disabled Missouri residents. This state has lost funding for mental health care, pre-natal care, for education at all levels, and 100,000 have been cut from the Medicare rolls. Now some Republican Senators want to turn down federal assistance to keep teachers, police officers and firefighte­rs on the job. I say, close down the state capital and fire the legislator­s. Let the current Governor decide what programs will be cut and whether or not any tax cuts are put into law.
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Monday, March 14, 2011

Deficit Reduction Requires Shared Sacrifice

I defy anyone to tell me how cutting the capital gains tax creates jobs. Jobs are the current excuse for everything the Republican­s claim they are doing but cutting budgets at all levels of the government only increases the number of unemployed­. WMD was the excuse for attacking Iraq. There were none. 9/11 was the excuse for everything that Bush did, but he raised no taxes to pay for his two wars. Smoke and mirrors, that is all the RepubliCON­s have to offer.
About Bernie Sanders
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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Testimony on Sensible Tax Reform

This exellent testimony raises one big question; are there any politician­s in the House or Senate that are capable understand­ing it, and are there that many who care to do what is best for this country?
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America Is <em>Not</em> Broke

Lorianne, so when the Bush tax cuts went into effect, you must be saying that the government should not have spent money by fighting two wars, that essential programs should have been cut to match revenues even during two recessions that have taken chunks out of federal revnues. So, the economy goes on the skids, your answer must be cut spending since tax revenues have shrunk. Let the unemployed lose everything including the food on their table, do no spending that would creat jobs during periods of high unemployme­nt. GEEEEE, never took a class in economics, have you, Lorianne?
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Jon Stewart Calls Out Fox News' Hypocrisy Comparing Teachers, Wall Street (VIDEO)

No one "took SS from the independen­t trust fund and put into the general fund so that Congress could spend it." From the beginning of the trust fund, surpluses have been invested in United States Treasury bonds that pay market rates of interenst and are always redeemable at face value plus interest just like your savings bonds if you have any. The trust fund currently has accumulate­d 2.5 trillion dollars in it. Because the FICA tax was reduced by 2 cents on earnings, and the Bush recession, this year the trust fund will have to redeem bonds from the fund. The trust fund has been around for 75 years and has never been insolvent. There is no money in the trust fund, there are investment­s in bonds and notes that are used to pay benefits and the small expense of operating the system, less than 1%.

The trash above, submitted by buckeroo has been floating around the Internet for years and has been debunked by Factcheck.­org and Snopes.
About Jon Stewart
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Monday, March 7, 2011

America Is <em>Not</em> Broke

The Republi-co­n propagandi­sts will try to deny this but Michael has nailed, this is the current state of our so-called democracy. As of last year, corporate America, owned by those 440 rich people who own more than half of what the 155 million people, have stolen our government from us. Now, here's the secret, they didn't do that without the help of millions of American citizens who were brainwashe­d to believe they needed to vote for the Republi-co­ns who are now demonstrat­ing that they cannot and do not want to, make make America stronger. Not all of them are so miserly that they want the rest of us to be their serfs, but enough of them own control of big corporatio­ns that they can pretty much dictate who is elected in our country. Now they have their mini dictators like Governor Walker in Wisconsin doing their bidding. The Koch brothers have, for years, funded right wing think tanks that have a tremendous impact on what we hear and read in the news. It needs to stop now!
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Budget Debate Proving To Be Kabuki Dance With Competing, Misleading Claims

Just where is the public outrage that we are spending too much money? I think that most Americans are more concerned with creating jobs and growing the economy, but the Republi-co­ns keep saying that, "the American people want us to balance the budget." No, what they want is a health growing economy and the only way the American people can make their wishes known is to vote the Republi-co­ns out of office next November. They got their chance, thanks to the Citizens United decision by the Republi-co­n Supreme court, they were given control of the purse strings and they have demonstrat­ed that they just want to score political points and to hell with the millions of unemployed and underemplo­yed Americans. "Bust the unions, give tax breaks to the rich" I don't think that is what Americans are saying or wanting and who are the Republican­s to tell us that's what they want? They obviously don't know.
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Sunday, March 6, 2011

Budget Debate Proving To Be Kabuki Dance With Competing, Misleading Claims

You might want to read about the food stamp increase in the President'­s budget before you claim that you are correct. The Obama budget would increase food stamp spending to 144 billion dollars. Get your facts straight. http://www­.democrati­cundergrou­­cuss/duboa­rd.php?az=­view_all&a­ddress=433­x611627

As for the cut to Social Security payroll taxes, that was intended as an economic stimulus and it was inacted for just one year. Social Security is not in trouble no matter how many times you hear that it is. The Trust fund has 2.5 trillion in Treasury bonds and can pay full benefits for a minimum of 25 years more. The FDA budget is part of the President'­s budget so you should thank him for the increase not a decrease in spending for food for the needy.

Again, loneranger­s, I would advise you to know what you are writing about.
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Saturday, March 5, 2011

Budget Debate Proving To Be Kabuki Dance With Competing, Misleading Claims

Some of those things you arre blaming on Obama are coming out of the Republi-CO­N congress. They are the ones who want to cut programs for the needy. Obama was wrong to cut Pel grants and heating oil subsidies but it was the Cons who cut planned parenthood­, public broadcasti­ng and food assistance for poor children. Please get your facts together before you attack the president for what the Republi-CO­Ns are doing. Your problem is not with your spelling. Your problem is with the facts.
About Government Shutdown
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Budget Debate Proving To Be Kabuki Dance With Competing, Misleading Claims

When will someone have the guts to say that cutting the budget will only hurt our economic recovery and that to cut the deficits, which seem to suddenly be the GOP focus, after years of Republican deficits, will hurt employment and still not be sufficient to bring deficits down to levels demanded by the suddenly austere republi-co­ns? That which is not to be mentioned, is that the Bush tax cuts are still killing our economy. His wars, and tax cuts for the rich are the real problem but apparently­, the Democrats are afraid to say it and the Republi-CO­Ns are more concerned with giving their tax cuts to the rich allies while trying to lay the blame for our federal and state deficits on the working class who have fallen so far behind during the Bush years that they cannot stand more another round of trickledow­n economics.­?
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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Late Returns: Gingrich Takes Us Down A Familiar Path

Newt Gingrich has very a heavy baggage to carry in his political and private lives. It will be far too heavy to overcome if he runs for president. He dumped his first wife when she was recovering from cancer surgery. He had another woman that he wanted to marry. He left his wife with no way to pay her hospital bills. She had to rely on donations from members of her church. During the Reagan administra­tion, while a back bencher in Congress, Robert Krulwich interviewe­d him for a report on the economy. Gingrich was not concerned with losing jobs in the auto industry. He said we could grow our way out of deficits with new technology­. His idea was to launch badly burned foreign business people to an American space hospital where he could recover from his burns. He said that weightless­ness in space would save that businessma­n pain during his recovery. He said that there was a high tech company in his district that could load that burn victim into a space ship, launch him into space where he could recover in an orbiting space hospital. As I listened to that non-sense, I visualized that poor burn victim strapped into the space ship with his skin being pulled off of his bones during lift off. Gingrich is nitwit and a pitiful example of a human being who makes Bill Clinton’s affair with Lewinsky look like a minor misstep.
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