States with Republican government
s have been infected with a plague of extreme conservati
sm that could decimate education and other essential programs that help to keep people alive and to grow our economy. We cannot afford a government that cuts spending for health care, for education, and for economic stimulus. This plague needs an inoculatio
n of voter rejection to protect us from a deadly threat to the future of our democracy. The Wisconsin recall movement is the first shot in the battle to eradicate the disease of conservati
sm as practiced by the modern Republican Party. I encourage all to donate to the recall movement. Act Blue is collecting donations to fight the undemocrat
ic anti-labor bill in that state. We must all do what we can to stop this scourge and to work to elect Democrats to every office in the 2012 elections. If we allow Republican
s to push ahead and to spread their pestilence with their attacks on the middle and lower income classes of our country, we will have negated all of the sacrifices made by our troops who have fought in every war since the American Revolution that kept us free from the power of the king of England. Republican Governors and their servile, neo-con legislator
s, have set themselves up as monarchs who desire total control of every aspect of our lives. Let's stop them before we lose our voices and our votes and before many people lose their lives for lack of health care coverage.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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