Shocked! I tells ya, I'm shock that the stock market would crash so soon after the Republican debt ceiling bill became law. I sold my mutual funds last Monday in anticipati
on of the horrible impact the debt ceiling "compromis
e" would have on our economy. We will soon see a return to huge job losses and businesses going bankrupt thanks to the success of the so-called fiscal conservati
ves who forced the government into spending cuts during an economic recovery. Austerity kills economic growth. It hurts workers and it hurts businesses
, so, while the rich will continue to enjoy low tax rates, everyone will suffer from the double dip recession that is right around the corner. Workers will suffer, businesses will suffer, and the rich will make less money than they could have if the economy was growing rather than shrinking. You can read my blog posted on March 29 of this year at:
http://worldwideausterity.blogspot.com/Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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