blime commented about a false flag operation. I believe she is right, that 9/11 was a false flag attack that was allowed to happen by the Bush administra
tion. George W. Bush was warned ahead of time that bin Laden was determined to attack in the United States, he received a Presidenti
al Daily brief on August 6th. Prior to that, he was warned by Prince Bandar of Saudi Arabia. Bush did nothing to raise a threat level in this country, to alert airports and railways of a possible attack. In fact, Bush had been determined to attack Iraq from his first days in the White House. There were meetings to discuss the attack on that country. Bush was said to have told his advisers, "Find me a way to do this". An attack on this country would certainly give him support of the American people to go to war against our attackers or anyone that Bush administra
tion could implicate in the attacks.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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