The Republi-co
n propagandi
sts will try to deny this but Michael has nailed, this is the current state of our so-called democracy. As of last year, corporate America, owned by those 440 rich people who own more than half of what the 155 million people, have stolen our government from us. Now, here's the secret, they didn't do that without the help of millions of American citizens who were brainwashe
d to believe they needed to vote for the Republi-co
ns who are now demonstrat
ing that they cannot and do not want to, make make America stronger. Not all of them are so miserly that they want the rest of us to be their serfs, but enough of them own control of big corporatio
ns that they can pretty much dictate who is elected in our country. Now they have their mini dictators like Governor Walker in Wisconsin doing their bidding. The Koch brothers have, for years, funded right wing think tanks that have a tremendous impact on what we hear and read in the news. It needs to stop now!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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