Newt Gingrich has very a heavy baggage to carry in his political and private lives. It will be far too heavy to overcome if he runs for president. He dumped his first wife when she was recovering from cancer surgery. He had another woman that he wanted to marry. He left his wife with no way to pay her hospital bills. She had to rely on donations from members of her church. During the Reagan administra
tion, while a back bencher in Congress, Robert Krulwich interviewe
d him for a report on the economy. Gingrich was not concerned with losing jobs in the auto industry. He said we could grow our way out of deficits with new technology
. His idea was to launch badly burned foreign business people to an American space hospital where he could recover from his burns. He said that weightless
ness in space would save that businessma
n pain during his recovery. He said that there was a high tech company in his district that could load that burn victim into a space ship, launch him into space where he could recover in an orbiting space hospital. As I listened to that non-sense, I visualized that poor burn victim strapped into the space ship with his skin being pulled off of his bones during lift off. Gingrich is nitwit and a pitiful example of a human being who makes Bill Clinton’s affair with Lewinsky look like a minor misstep.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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