The Republican
s are determined to roll back every social program that helps the average American. They are on a Medi-Scare campaign to scare Americans into thinking that Medicare and Social Security are part of the deficit problem when, in fact, neither of those two programs add one dime to our current deficits. The Medicare trust fund is projected to be solvent until 2027 and Social Security to 2037. The Cons are trying to use the debt ceiling to scare the American people into thinking that these two essential programs are adding to the deficits, they are not. The Bush tax cuts the two wars, Iraq and Afghanista
n, and the Bush recession led by the financial meltdown during the Bush administra
tion are the driving forces behind our budget deficits. It is time to roll back the Bush tax cuts and stop this non-sense.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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