I think the world of Racehel, she is a voice for those of us who have little voice except for those on MSNBC and, now that Keith Olberman is coming back on cable with Current TV, we will have two strong sources of informatio
n about the many crimes committed by Republican
s who now occupy and control the United States Congress. Although they may not be breaking the law by doing it, but the legislatio
n that they want to pass to destroy Social Securit, Medicare and Medicaid are moral crimes against the American people.
Anthony Weiner stood on the floor of the House and put those more perverts in their place when they made their many attacks against the American public. I was highly dissapoint
ed that he sent those photos, but those perversion
s were minor compared to what the Republican
s do every day that the House of Representa
tives is in session.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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