Maybe, in this century, the Catholic Church will at least come into the 19th Century. The church finally accepted that Galileo was right; the sun does not revolve around the earth. Maybe, given a hundred years, they will also realize that women should have access to birth control and the right to decide their own health care choices. The Catholic Church has that in common with the Islamists and some Protestant
s who believe that women must be subservien
t to men. It would be nice if the church would lend its vast influence to get an Equal Rights amendment to the U.S. Constituti
on that would insure that women and gays of both sexes would be treated in the same manner as all other American citizens. If there was equality between the sexes, there would be no questions that need an expert opinion on the use of condoms. Neither the church nor anyone else should take it upon themselves to dictate sex practices and reproducti
ve rights among consenting adults. And, since marriage is a legal contract between individual
s which is sanctioned by the “state” in which marriage takes place, banning a marriage between individual
s of the same sex, is, in effect, applying a religious test to the union. The First Amendment clearly prohibits making any law "respectin
g an establishm
ent of religion". I hope that the Catholic Church will, one day, catch up to modern times. .
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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