The writer makes a good point. I think the world of Joe Biden. Despite his apparent gaffs, they are nothing like the gaffs made daily by the lineup of Republican presidenti
al wannabees. But age does take a toll, I know, I'm a few years older than Joe, and he has already reached the second highest office in this country, so maybe it would be better for him to step aside for a younger, more vigorous candidate. Kathleen Sebelius was a great governor for the state of Kansas; she would make a good VP. She is doing a good job in her current position. No doubt, there are many other great Democrats who could fill the co-pilots seat, but most of them are already serving in the U.S. Senate, the House or in Governorsh
ips. Cuomo might do, but I oppose the way he treated government workers in New York. If Joe must go, the President can certainly find a suitable replacemen
t to bring more vigor to the White House. My one knock on Obama is that he did not show the courage to face the Republican
s down when he should have. We need to re-elect Obama, gain control of the House of Representa
tives and increase the majority in the Senate. We must not let the CONS keep control of the legislatur
e. It is essential to the United States that the Party of "Hell no!" be thrown out of power in 2012. Mr. Boner, where are the jobs???
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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