To continue my response to SinfullySu
blime :
On August 13, Bush, while in Texas, held a meeting with reporters to discuss the hostilitie
s between the Palestinia
ns and Israelis. The meeting was held early in the day. My wife called me in to watch it on live TV. Reporters asked Bush softball questions that meant nothing. The transcript of that part of the session was reported on the White House website. What was not reported or covered by the press was an exchange with two reporters after the end of that session but before Bush left the area. Two reporters asked him real questions. The second reporter asked him, "When will you do something to stop the killing?" Bush just looked at him in an uncaring way and said, "When enough people die." I thought that was an outrageous thing for the President of the United States to say. The media ignored it, but I did not. Having been a news columnist, I kept that thought in my mind. On the morning of 9/11, I like everyone else was horrified. Later on that day, I thought back to what Bush had said and wondered if he had been waiting for the attacks to happen. If it was a false flag operation, it certainly gave Bush the way that he was looking for so that he could go to war in the Middle East.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost