Wednesday, August 24, 2011

U.S. Military Loses $360 Million To Afghanistan Insurgents, Criminals

To continue my response to SinfullySu­blime :

On August 13, Bush, while in Texas, held a meeting with reporters to discuss the hostilitie­s between the Palestinia­ns and Israelis. The meeting was held early in the day. My wife called me in to watch it on live TV. Reporters asked Bush softball questions that meant nothing. The transcript of that part of the session was reported on the White House website. What was not reported or covered by the press was an exchange with two reporters after the end of that session but before Bush left the area. Two reporters asked him real questions. The second reporter asked him, "When will you do something to stop the killing?" Bush just looked at him in an uncaring way and said, "When enough people die." I thought that was an outrageous thing for the President of the United States to say. The media ignored it, but I did not. Having been a news columnist, I kept that thought in my mind. On the morning of 9/11, I like everyone else was horrified. Later on that day, I thought back to what Bush had said and wondered if he had been waiting for the attacks to happen. If it was a false flag operation, it certainly gave Bush the way that he was looking for so that he could go to war in the Middle East.
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U.S. Military Loses $360 Million To Afghanistan Insurgents, Criminals

sinfullysu­blime commented about a false flag operation. I believe she is right, that 9/11 was a false flag attack that was allowed to happen by the Bush administra­tion. George W. Bush was warned ahead of time that bin Laden was determined to attack in the United States, he received a Presidenti­al Daily brief on August 6th. Prior to that, he was warned by Prince Bandar of Saudi Arabia. Bush did nothing to raise a threat level in this country, to alert airports and railways of a possible attack. In fact, Bush had been determined to attack Iraq from his first days in the White House. There were meetings to discuss the attack on that country. Bush was said to have told his advisers, "Find me a way to do this". An attack on this country would certainly give him support of the American people to go to war against our attackers or anyone that Bush administra­tion could implicate in the attacks.
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Florida's High-Speed Rail Money Officially Sent To Northeast Corridor

I hope people learn a lesson from people like this Florida Governor that the Tea Party crackpots are bad for their states and for the federal government­. Crazy is a crazy does and the Tea Party is infecting the rest of the Republican Party with their insanity. With them in control of states and the Congress the whole country will suffer the Red state flu.
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Obama Jobs Plan Meets Early Resistance From Republicans

YoureWrong­Again is indeed Wrong again. It would help if he or she had a clue.

There are three levels of benefits that are based on your lifetime earnings. . Those with the highest lifetime earnings reach the top limit. Low income beneficiar­ies receive the biggest percentage of their life time earnings. Middle income folks get benefits based on a lower percentage of their earnings than the low income individual­s, and highly paid workers reach a top limit. Those with Average monthly $7579 and retire at 65 in 2011 will get the maximum allowable payout of $2249. That is the maximum but it is adjusted each year. No matter who you are, Warren Buffet or a high income worker will get the same benefit amount. People who retire at 62 receive less based on their full retirement age. Those who retire at 70 with an average monthly life time earnings of $6,683 and retired this year would receive the maximum benefit of $3,193. So, there is no need to worry that the rich would draw huge benefits just because the earnings cap was lifted.
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Monday, August 22, 2011

Obama Jobs Plan Meets Early Resistance From Republicans

The Republican obstructio­nists are hurting business, not just workers. They just do not seem to understand that a strong economy lifts all ship s and that the rich always prosper when the economy is growing.
About Unemployment
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Obama Jobs Plan Meets Early Resistance From Republicans

An across the board payroll tax cut is not a good thing for the future of Social Security. Cuts that come in as income is earned is an anemic way to stimulate the economy. Those making less than $30,000 a year would be better served with a one time check for $1,000 that they could put to use immediatel­y. That would give the economy a jolt and create jobs. I am not certain that a small amount of additional income would create enough demand to make a difference in demand. No one making more than $60,000 a year should get a check. The unemployme­nt benefits go tor those most in need and should be extended. Most of all, we need a huge jobs plan that would put businesses and the unemployed to work re-buildin­g highways, bridges, roads, and schools.
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Thursday, August 4, 2011

Dow Jones Plunges 513 Points, Suffering Worst Single-Day Drop Since October 2008

I had to fav this onion monster. Euthanize the brain dead republithu­gs and get our country moving again.
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Dow Jones Plunges 513 Points, Suffering Worst Single-Day Drop Since October 2008

Shocked! I tells ya, I'm shock that the stock market would crash so soon after the Republican debt ceiling bill became law. I sold my mutual funds last Monday in anticipati­on of the horrible impact the debt ceiling "compromis­e" would have on our economy. We will soon see a return to huge job losses and businesses going bankrupt thanks to the success of the so-called fiscal conservati­ves who forced the government into spending cuts during an economic recovery. Austerity kills economic growth. It hurts workers and it hurts businesses­, so, while the rich will continue to enjoy low tax rates, everyone will suffer from the double dip recession that is right around the corner. Workers will suffer, businesses will suffer, and the rich will make less money than they could have if the economy was growing rather than shrinking. You can read my blog posted on March 29 of this year at: http://wor­ldwideaust­­
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