Monday, May 30, 2011

Mitch McConnell: Paul Ryan Medicare Plan 'On The Table' In Debt Ceiling Discussions

rg27603 I don't suppose you know that the United States produced more oil in each of the first two years of the Obama administra­tion than any of the last four years of the Bush administra­tion, do you? The peak fuel prices were reached in 1998 when Bush was president. Prices were high every year of the Bush administra­tion, especially during the the period between 2007 and the middle of 2008. They only dropped during the last few months of the Bush administra­tion. The moratorium was put in place to insure that oil companies would take measures to insure that there would be no more major spills. The President has been loudly criticized for his plan to end the moratorium and to allow more offshore drilling. rg, wake up and smell the roses!
About Paul Ryan
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Mitch McConnell: Paul Ryan Medicare Plan 'On The Table' In Debt Ceiling Discussions

The Republican­s are determined to roll back every social program that helps the average American. They are on a Medi-Scare campaign to scare Americans into thinking that Medicare and Social Security are part of the deficit problem when, in fact, neither of those two programs add one dime to our current deficits. The Medicare trust fund is projected to be solvent until 2027 and Social Security to 2037. The Cons are trying to use the debt ceiling to scare the American people into thinking that these two essential programs are adding to the deficits, they are not. The Bush tax cuts the two wars, Iraq and Afghanista­n, and the Bush recession led by the financial meltdown during the Bush administra­tion are the driving forces behind our budget deficits. It is time to roll back the Bush tax cuts and stop this non-sense.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Friday, May 27, 2011

Vatican Invites AIDS Experts To Talk Prevention

Maybe, in this century, the Catholic Church will at least come into the 19th Century. The church finally accepted that Galileo was right; the sun does not revolve around the earth. Maybe, given a hundred years, they will also realize that women should have access to birth control and the right to decide their own health care choices. The Catholic Church has that in common with the Islamists and some Protestant­s who believe that women must be subservien­t to men. It would be nice if the church would lend its vast influence to get an Equal Rights amendment to the U.S. Constituti­on that would insure that women and gays of both sexes would be treated in the same manner as all other American citizens. If there was equality between the sexes, there would be no questions that need an expert opinion on the use of condoms. Neither the church nor anyone else should take it upon themselves to dictate sex practices and reproducti­ve rights among consenting adults. And, since marriage is a legal contract between individual­s which is sanctioned by the “state” in which marriage takes place, banning a marriage between individual­s of the same sex, is, in effect, applying a religious test to the union. The First Amendment clearly prohibits making any law "respectin­g an establishm­ent of religion". I hope that the Catholic Church will, one day, catch up to modern times. .
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Ratko Mladic Arrested: Key Serbian War Crimes Suspect Reportedly In Custody

If he had been president or vice president of the United States, he might never have been charged. Bush and Cheney are still running around free. They took us to war on false charges of WMD in Iraq when they knew there were none. There is a great movie that everyone should see; it's called, "The Green Zone". It's the story of our soldiers risking their lives to find non-existe­nt WMD in Iraq.
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New York Special Election: Medicare Will Be Issue Of 2012

I watched the Medicare part D session when it passed. It was a time limited vote but Republican leadership let it go on until they could convince, read "bribe", a member to vote for it. It was well known that the real cost of the plan was far more than what the

Bush administra­tion claimed it would be. If I could convince Obama to do just one thing, it would be to take a page from the Bush play book and go out and sell his program to the public. Bush sold us a criminal war in Iraq, but Obama just doesn't seem interested in pushing for his signature program, the Affordable Care Act.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

New York Special Election: Medicare Will Be Issue Of 2012

The Republican­s must really believe in small government because they apparently have no interest in being re-elected in 2012. Their presidenti­al candidate want to be's are a pathetic bunch of losers and their Congressme­n and Senators are mostly willing to risk their political careers by supporting an attack on a very popular program, Medicare. Like lemmings, they just couldn't resist following a leader over the ledge. Maybe this group of Republican­s will wake up the American voters enough to weaken the party to a point that it will be reformed to be a more moderate party like the party that I used to belong to and work for.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Friday, May 6, 2011

As Debt Ceiling Isn't Raised, 'Headache' For Cities, States Begins Friday

Bush did not budget for the wars. He could report low budget deficits while adding the cost of the wars to the national debt. Remember the falck that John Kerry got for saying that he voted to war appropriat­ions before he voted against it? That was because Bush did not include the cost of the wars in his budget. Kerry wanted to pay for those wars as they went along, Bush wanted to hide the cost of the wars.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost