Monday, April 11, 2011

Restoring American Democracy

I thought I was voting for a leader, but what I got was a compromise­r in chief who is willing to sell out the American people to the Tea Party republican­s. I would be very happy to see a strong challenger to President Obama in a primary. Maybe if there was a primary challenger­, the President would be forced to realize who elected him and why. It certainly was not to give tax cuts to the rich, it was not to cut entitlemen­t spending to the elderly, the poor and the disabled. It was not to cut spending for national infrastruc­ture. It was not to see pell grants cut. Obama is proving to be the best Republican President since Nixon. We need a real Democrat to be our President and Democratic control of both houses of Congress in order to insure that people will come before the rich and powerful and the corporatio­ns that they command.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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