Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Paul Ryan in Your Pockets: Government by People Who Hate You

On Sunday, April 10, I screamed at the top of my lungs when David Gregory, one of the pundits that Dean Baker has written about claimed that Social Security and Medicare are the prime movers of the deficits. These programs are financed with FICA payroll taxes. Medicare has other sources including Part B insurance premiums which come directly out of Social Security benefits. In fact,k, the prime movers of the deficits, are the two Bush wars and the Bush tax cuts. Deficits could easily be reduced by taxing high income Americans without cutting benefits for the poor, the elderly, the disabled and for education and infrastruc­ture upgrades.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Monday, April 11, 2011

Restoring American Democracy

I thought I was voting for a leader, but what I got was a compromise­r in chief who is willing to sell out the American people to the Tea Party republican­s. I would be very happy to see a strong challenger to President Obama in a primary. Maybe if there was a primary challenger­, the President would be forced to realize who elected him and why. It certainly was not to give tax cuts to the rich, it was not to cut entitlemen­t spending to the elderly, the poor and the disabled. It was not to cut spending for national infrastruc­ture. It was not to see pell grants cut. Obama is proving to be the best Republican President since Nixon. We need a real Democrat to be our President and Democratic control of both houses of Congress in order to insure that people will come before the rich and powerful and the corporatio­ns that they command.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

President Obama Presses Congressional Leaders To Avoid Government Shutdown

websmith, you wouldn't know a socialist if he was biting your back side. You need to be worried about the big intrusive government fascists who want to break the government with tax cuts for the rich and get involved in your bedroom. These people are big government thugs and they complain about deficits that were caused by their fair haired idiot, George W. Bush.
About Barack Obama
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President Obama Presses Congressional Leaders To Avoid Government Shutdown

What entitlemen­ts would you cut ras2000? Would you cut Social Security and Medicare? Both programs are funded by the FICA payroll tax, not general revenues. Medicaid helps the poor and the disabled. Almost half of all Medicaid pateints are children, would you want to take their health care away. The Republican­s have made this budget debate on of cutting spending, but they are staying on the other end of the football fied from the real problem, the Bush wars, the Bush tax cuts and the Bush recession. They do not want to talk about those things.
About Barack Obama
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Government Shutdown Threat: Budget Deal Remains Unreached (LIVE UPDATES)

When the shut down happens, and I am certain that it will, the Republican­s will cause it and the people to blame are those who voted for those idiots last November. They think they have a mandate to cut spending to the bone and deeper. What they are really doing is drawing attention to the tax compromise­d that happened before the election last year. If the Bush tax cuts had expired for those making more than $250,000, there would be no need to cut anything. Two wars, tax cuts, and an unfunded prescripti­on drug plan pushed through by the Republican Congress when Bush was president have added to the deficit that has been made much worse by the Bush recession. Now, suddenly, they have control of Congress and are acting like they really want to bring the deficits.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Federal Trade Commission Considers Antitrust Investigation Of Google

Why is it that the Justice Department does not invstigate Wal Mart. That giant corporatio­n is responsibl­e for sending millions of our jobs out of the United States and has wiped out mom and pop stores all over the United States and other countries. It is too big and powerful and should be broken up. Wal Mart is stil under the control of the Walton family that is too rich and powerful and is deeply involved in the American political system to elect politician­s who are willing to kiss their feet. It's not just the Koch brothers who are trying to run this country, Wal Mart is just as bad if not worse.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Budget Compromise Talks Continue As Tea Party Watches

Hey, nuck somebody, where is your evidence? Where is the supporting documentat­ion for your accusation­s? Your post sounds like a crazy rant by a brainwashe­d Foxnews ditto head.
About Harry Reid
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Budget Compromise Talks Continue As Tea Party Watches

My favorite quotation from college lit is the following: "A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still." Opinions formed by listening to the likes of Limbaugh and Beck are persistent because people choose to believe their lies which correpond to their own biases . Once those opinons are accepted, no amount of reason or factual evidence can pry those false opinons from the mind of the simple minded. It does no good to argue with people who have made up their minds about what they believe. It is best to move on to discuss issues with those who still have an open mind. "There is none so blind as those who will not see."
About Harry Reid
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost