Sunday, November 14, 2010

Does Social Security Have WMD?

Actually, raising the cap has been discussed. The cap is automatically increased each year based upon the Consumer Price Index. That cap was $65,4000 in 1997 and has increased to $106,800 this year and last. I would like to see very high income individuals taxed to support the program. Rush Limbaugh has an 8 year contract that pays him 50 million dollars a year. This is his second 8 year contract that will pay that amount. Also he received a $100 million dollar signing bonus for each. Why should someone who argues so vehemently against Social Security not be required to pay at least a 2% tax on his millions of "unearned" income? he would not miss a million dollars a year. As it is, he makes enough to pay off his Social Security tax no later than January 2.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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