I am proud to say that I voted for the first African American President of this country. I attended a meeting where everyone there had supported President Obama in his first election in 2008, and were proud to have been able to contribute to that historic vote. Of those there, 90% were Caucasian.
It is clear that the Republicans hate President Obama because of his race. They will go to any lengths to insure that he does not make big accomplishments during his Presidency. They want him to fail. They overlook the fact that if this president fails, the whole country fails. Many initiatives that the President has proposed would go far toward restoring our thriving economic growth. But with Republican obstructionism, the much needed recovery is put on the back burner. They have voted 40 times to overturn the Affordable Care Act which is essentially the same plan that their party adopted from the Heritage Foundation.
Those biased people who protested the President in Arizona helped to elect those Congress members who have done their best to stifle our economic recovery. They should be ashamed of their juvenile behavior. We are in the 21st Century; this is a time when people should get beyond their senseless biases.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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