The Republicans are really good at framing their arguments to support their lies and exaggerations. When adjusted for inflation, our national debt is not out of line. The argument that our children will be burdened by the huge national debt is a distortion of fact. After WWII the national debt was at a far higher percentage of GDP. I did not feel burdened by that debt. President Eisenhower built the Interstate freeway system that provided jobs and a lasting transportation infrastructure. The fact is that interests rates are at a decades long. low. There has never been a better time for the government to borrow and spend on infrastructure improvements that would provide millions of jobs and long lasting transportation infrastructure. The same can be said of renewable energy projects and education. The money velocity is nearly 7 times in a year. That means that for every dollar of increased spending, there would be about seven times more spending done causing more job creation and tax revenues. This country has many needs; ignoring them and failure to spend to meet those needs is exactly the wrong formula for improving our economy. The GOP is the party that is holding up progress in the hope that they can regain control of the WHITE HOUSE. I shudder to think of what would happen to our country if they controlled the helm of our ship of state.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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