Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Deficits Are Bad and the Sun Goes Around the Earth

At you a lawyer from British Columbia? It is quite ovious that you do not understand the American economy and our many for jobs needs for spending programs for long term assets. More jobs create more spending and more tax revenues with which to pay down the debt
About Stimulus
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Deficits Are Bad and the Sun Goes Around the Earth

You are wrong! The Chinese do not own trillions of our national debt. They own only about 1 1/2 trillion. The Social Security trust funds owns twice as much. The Chinese hold only about ten percent of our national debt. U.S. entities own 65.8 of our own national debt.
About Stimulus
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Deficits Are Bad and the Sun Goes Around the Earth

It all depends on when the securities mature. Interest rates have been low for sometime and will probably stay low until the economy fully recovers. A good financial planner would take everything into account. THIS IS THE BEST TIME TO BORROW FOR INVESTMENTS and for redemption of long term bonds. Again, debt is not the problem. The government can spend to create jobs and to build long term assets at low interest rates. It doesn't make good economic policy to focus on the debt while there are so many Americans who are out of work, who are without adequate health care, and while our infrastructure is deteriorating.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Friday, April 19, 2013

Corporate power and Priveledge

Dean Baker recently had a column on the Huffington Post concerning CEO salaries.  They are paid huge salaries that are thousands of times what employees.  They are the ones who decide how political donations are made now that the Supreme Court has unleashed corporate money for political campaigns.  This horrible situation must be brought to an end and will only be when our Constitution has been amended.  

The following is my comment concerning Dean Bakers column.

"Ah ha! These are the "people" that the Supreme Court wants to allow to donate to political campaigns. The interlocking boards of directors often draw salaries from various corporations. We need to Amend the Constitution to prevent corporate political donations. At least, unions represent their workers and support politicians who will work for workers, all workers."

Read the column at:

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Biggest Republican Lie -- 'America Is Broke'

The Republicans are really good at framing their arguments to support their lies and exaggerations. When adjusted for inflation, our national debt is not out of line. The argument that our children will be burdened by the huge national debt is a distortion of fact. After WWII the national debt was at a far higher percentage of GDP. I did not feel burdened by that debt. President Eisenhower built the Interstate freeway system that provided jobs and a lasting transportation infrastructure. The fact is that interests rates are at a decades long. low. There has never been a better time for the government to borrow and spend on infrastructure improvements that would provide millions of jobs and long lasting transportation infrastructure. The same can be said of renewable energy projects and education. The money velocity is nearly 7 times in a year. That means that for every dollar of increased spending, there would be about seven times more spending done causing more job creation and tax revenues. This country has many needs; ignoring them and failure to spend to meet those needs is exactly the wrong formula for improving our economy. The GOP is the party that is holding up progress in the hope that they can regain control of the WHITE HOUSE. I shudder to think of what would happen to our country if they controlled the helm of our ship of state.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost