cs are very important. Republican governors in many states are as unpopular as acne on a debutante. If Obama cannot carry those states it will be because he has not put the focus on their unpopular actions since gaining power. Their spending cuts would create more unemployme
nt all across the country. States that have suffered through the Bush recession have been given a big leg up by the Obama stimulus plan that has saved hundreds of thousands of jobs. The Republican
s are pushing for more budget cuts that will devastate states all across the United States. The “business friendly” Republican
s have kept the economy on the ropes and hurt small businesses
As I see it, Obama has been playing rope a dope with the Republican
s. He has let them swing at him until they are punch drunk. When they get power, they abuse it; that is clear from the actions of governors in those states where they have total control, like Wisconsin, Florida, Michigan, Missouri and other states where the Republican
s have focused on denying women the right to health and family planning services instead of focusing on job creation. Their ploy has been obvious. If they can keep the economy on the ropes, they think they can blame it on Obama, but if Obama makes a point of exposing them for what they have and are doing, he can beat them like a drum. He should start exposing them now while the iron is hot.
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