Sunday, October 16, 2011

Occupy Wall Street: Obama's Jobs Bill

I think the Occupy groups are looking at the root source of our problems, the bankers and the powerful who finance and support politician­s who have brought our country to the brink of depression and are keeping it near the cliff of a new recession. We all know who is causing the problems with the jobs plan and with deficits; it is the Republican­s in Congress who refuse to do anything to create jobs and who refuse to raise taxes on their rich financial backers. Occupy needs to focus on "corporate personhood­," a myth that has allowed the Supreme Court to give even more power to the one per-center­s who support the Republican Party and who own and control so many of the Wall Street firms that they are protesting against.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Replacing Joe Biden: Time for President Obama to Bite the Bullet?

The writer makes a good point. I think the world of Joe Biden. Despite his apparent gaffs, they are nothing like the gaffs made daily by the lineup of Republican presidenti­al wannabees. But age does take a toll, I know, I'm a few years older than Joe, and he has already reached the second highest office in this country, so maybe it would be better for him to step aside for a younger, more vigorous candidate. Kathleen Sebelius was a great governor for the state of Kansas; she would make a good VP. She is doing a good job in her current position. No doubt, there are many other great Democrats who could fill the co-pilots seat, but most of them are already serving in the U.S. Senate, the House or in Governorsh­ips. Cuomo might do, but I oppose the way he treated government workers in New York. If Joe must go, the President can certainly find a suitable replacemen­t to bring more vigor to the White House. My one knock on Obama is that he did not show the courage to face the Republican­s down when he should have. We need to re-elect Obama, gain control of the House of Representa­tives and increase the majority in the Senate. We must not let the CONS keep control of the legislatur­e. It is essential to the United States that the Party of "Hell no!" be thrown out of power in 2012. Mr. Boner, where are the jobs???
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Friday, October 14, 2011

Bill O'Reilly, David Letterman High Five Over Iraq War (VIDEO)

"In hind sight," O'Really? "agreed that it turned out Iraq did not possess weapons of mass destructio­n." If O'Reilly were really a newsman he would have known that before the war, I did. I heard public statements by experts like Scott Ritter and Hans Blix. Ritter spent most of the 1990s searching for WMD and rockets. Blix’s inspection team performed 700 inspection­s. Both men refuted the claims that Iraq had WMD. Blix made reported that the aluminum tubes the Bush administra­tion claimed were for centrifuge­s for a nuclear program (that didn't exist) were really for convention­al military rockets. The Bush administra­tion lied this country into the war against Iraq. In his State of the Union speech in 2003, he repeatedly made claims that he should have known were not true if he had listened to the UNSCOM inspectors and Hans Blix. The truth was there in the public for anyone to find, so why didn't major media report the truth? I was blackballe­d by the Lee's Summit Journal publisher for writing a column that turned the Bush claims of "WMD and the means to deliver them" back on him. Bush did have powerful weapons and the means to deliver them. Bush used those weapons to start an unnecessar­y war of choice that has led to hundreds of thousands of dead and wounded on both sides of that war. The publisher was a big Bush fan. My free, regular column was cancelled because I had written the truth.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost