Thursday, February 9, 2012

What Happens After an Iran-Israel War?

Great comment! Israel is an aggressive­, warlike state and should be disarmed. Our support for Israel is why so many countries hate us. We should end it now.
About Barack Obama
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

What Happens After an Iran-Israel War?

The Iranian issue reminds me of the drive to invade Iraq by the Bush administra­tion. Even though the UNSCOM inspectors had searched for over 8 years and could find no WMD, the Bush administra­tion made the false claim of their existence. U>N. arms inspectors are going into Iran to investigat­e the issue of a suspected weapons program. Will Israel attack Iran before their work is done? Is this another false flag operation to take a desired action with no substantia­l proof of a threat?

The United States should withdraw all financial and military aid to Israel and let them know that if they attack Iran, they will be doing so on their own.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost