When I was young and foolish, I worked for the Republican party. I campaigned for my state Representa
tive, Jewell Kennedy, the Lady from Raytown. She predicted that if the "conservat
ives" ever took total control of the Republican party, that would lead to the total destructio
n of that party. I see her words coming true in 2012. This do-nothing Republican Congress will be the ones who bury the Republican party for decades to come. They may never have power again because they are demonstrat
ing right now that they care nothing for the American people. I say, as a Reagan Democrat, a fellow who changed parties because of Reagan's horrible policies. Reagan started us on the road to huge budget deficits and never ending wars and Obama will be the President to turn this country around and lead it into the prosperous 21st. Century just as soon as he has Democrats in control of both houses of congress after the 2012 elections. Happy times will certainly be here again!!!!
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