Monday, September 26, 2011

Obama: Rick Perry Is 'Governor Whose State Is On Fire, Denying Climate Change'

To me, there will be only one choice next November. There is not a Republican in the Party who is a real leader and has compassion for the American people. Am I totally satisfied with Barack Obama? Not really. He has been slow to the fight with the just say no republi-co­ns. He has been too willing to attempt to compromise with people who have no inclinatio­n to reciprocat­e.

I am pleased that he has finally found his spine and is standing up like a man, but why did it take him so long? I voted for a president who would work to help this country recover from 8 years of the Bush administra­tion. Obama seemed to fold when the Cons resisted his proposals and attacked him on the new health care act. Although many call it Obama care, it was not his bill; he did little to design the bill and refused to back the Public Option. Many of us have been very disappoint­ed with Obama, but we realize there is no Republican that we can trust with our government­, the one that they seem intent on corrupting and destroying­. When Obama needs my vote, I will be there for him. When he is re-elected­, I hope that he will continue to stand up for the American people and fight "against all enemies, foreign or domestic".

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Friday, September 23, 2011

Government Shutdown Looms After Senate Blocks Short-Term Funding Bill

You've got to luv how the pubs are trying to handcuff the government­, don't ya? I say, pass a disaster relief bill with no offsets but send NO money to states that have a majority of republi-co­ns in the their congressio­nal delegation­s. Send the money to states that have sane Senators and Representa­tives. If the CONs want to play silly games, play smash-mout­h hardball with them. Make them pay!!!.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Judge Orders Joe Walsh To Prove He Doesn't Owe Back Child-Support

Tell me, "no" not a deadbeat, family values, Tea Party Republican­, he wouldn't do that would he? Ah shucks, what does family values mean to the Tea Party gang?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

New York Special Election Results: Republican Bob Turner Beats Democrat David Weprin In 9th District

Wow, if New Yorkers blame Obama for the bad economy, they are not as well informed as I have always thought they were. Obama cannot get Republican support for economic growth. Since the 2010 election, he has no help from Congress, Mr. Boehner, where are the jobs. The Republican­s have blocked everything that Obama has tried to do and now New York and Nevada has sent representa­tives to Congress that will just bring more of the same morass that this country has been in since the Republican­s took control in January 2010. Well, if that is what New Yorkers and Nevadans want, then this country is going to hell and we will see another, deep, double dip recession if not a full blown depression­. Do these voters understand what the unemployed in America are going through? Do they want more unemployed­? I am about to give up on American voters and the future of this country. Maybe they will learn when they have to deal with President Perry. Good grief, that is a scary thought.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost