ns like blame the Obama stimulus plan for the failure to create more jobs, but hey, where have the CONS been since they took control of Congress? They have been doing everything to slow job growth; they have ignored the "jobs" problem and have blocked Obama on all of his initiative
s to keep jobs and to increase employment through government spending.
This whole thing sounds familiar to me. When I was a student of Economics, our professors pointed back to the advances made on the jobs front when FDR and the Democrats spent money to create jobs through government works programs and infrastruc
ture improvemen
ts. That worked great, just as the Obama stimulus plan has worked well until the Republican
s took Congress and tightened the purse strings. Now they want to vote against lifting the debt ceiling after voting for them 7 times during the Bush administra
tion. That would cause an economic collapse in this country and possibly the industrial
ized world.
The Republican
s must shoulder all of the blame for the weak jobs situation, but they want to point the finger at President Obama.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost