Monday, January 10, 2011

Zero Hour for Social Security

I am very disappoint­ed with Barack Obama and his right-wing tilt. If he touches Social Security, I will never vote for another Democrat for President. If we cannot trust this man to take a stand for the best federal program ever to be enacted, how can we trust him on anything?

I was proud of Harry Reid for telling the truth to David Gregory. Gregory and other talking heads on TV seem to have swallowed the bait hook line and sinker. None of them seem to have taken the time to understand how Social Security works. There have decades of attacks made by the conservati­ves concerning Social Security; those attacks started right after the program was started. What angers me is that the news media is saturated by people who just have no clue. Harry Reid told it like it really is and David Gregory just acted stunned. If he were a real news man, he would either have investigat­ed the system for himself or had someone on his staff get the truth. The media types have been taken in by all the propaganda pushed by the Heritage Foundation­, the Cato Institute and on and on among members of the vast right wing conspiracy­. Obama needs to face a real democrat in the next primary season. Maybe he would wake up if he had to compete against a real Democrat.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost